Wednesday, July 29, 2009

woosh !

I really really need to GET OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE !!!
Cannot be shy and scared already... HAHAHA ! =D
Even when expressing myself...


I wanna take classes st Swagg Out !
Probably the 4 regular classes package - $165
I'm planning to learn from each of the 4 dope instructors...
* Jun Quemado
* Keone Madrid
* Mariel Martin
* Ellen Kim

Hmm.. no style is too hard or 'girly' for me ... Wanna try out all the different styles.
Time for money hunting...!

mikhail penned his thoughts; 9:36 PM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

hey there!

Hello there... HAHA !
I haven't been here in a while, yeah...

I guess I've been through some rough tides these few weeks.
Been BUSY. With school work, of course.
Many projects and THINGS that happen, among people.
I will need to keep my attendance and punctuality record good in order to stay in the course.
If not, I'll get debarred OR even do my attachment in school !!

Something which I DON'T want to happen....

Been tired too. Want more rest haha ! Cos I've been dancing every single day.
Chionging Suntec 4 times a week. Then still got class on Wed and Fri. Sometimes I can't go cos of cell group.
Plus, 3:16 trainings on Sundays.
Seriously, I don't know how to juggle Suntec AND Chuch Celebration Performance together !!!
I can foresee the clash coming, but I don't know..........

We'll see.

My dad came back for a few days recently. Went back to Indo this morning. LOL ! Missed him.
So funny, he got seriously addicted to SUDOKU ! OMG ! He has become a sudoku pro !
I'm glad I can have time with him during the weekends. Can't wait for him to come back again next month.... Love you DAD !

And... I got back my laptop running in perfect condition... Oh well, maybe not. Cos nothing's perfect. GOOD condition. HAHA !

mikhail penned his thoughts; 11:02 PM